Assessment criteria of mandatory physical education classes in the Academic Sports Centre

I.The physical education classes are held in different forms depending on the student's health and the organizational and financial possibilities of ASC.

Classes are held in the following groups:

3.Swimming lessons
4.corrective gymnastics at the gym
5. The sports section of Academic Club of AZS PG
6.The theoretical classes for students with sick leave
7.Sports camps organized by the ASC
8.Regular participation in sports competitions organized by the ASC as part of football and basketball league

II.Assessment criteria

1.Attendance at classes: absence in four or more classes per semester without an excuse leads to a lack of completion  and the necessity to retake the course in the next semester as a whole (75% of the final grade)
2.Passing a theoretical test 75% of the final grade). Students participating in 80% of classes have the right to apply for an exemption from the theoretical test.
3.Participation in physical exams, and in the case of students - members of the sports section also participated in sports.
4.Active participation in all classes.


1. Absence from physical education classes can be excused by submitting a medical certificate within 14-days  following the disease. A doctor’s  stamp and the health center, hospital or medical cooperatives header stamps are required on the exemption..

2.Long-term exemption from physical education / more than one month / may only be  granted by  a specialist doctor. The exemption must clearly state that it concerns  physical education classes, classes in the pool or corrective exercises. A doctor’s  stamp and the health center, hospital or medical cooperatives header stamps are required on exemption. The exemption must be delivered not later than three weeks after the beginning of the classes during each semester. The medical decision exempts the student only from the  physical exercise. Student with sick leave is required to participate in theoretical classes.

3.Exemption from physical education may be obtained by the student who is a member of the Olympic Team, National Team, Universiade Team or having a first or upper  sport class certified by the National Sports Association of  each discipline.


When a student does not obtain a credit with physical education he  receives the card to supplement, which allows him/her  to catch up through attendance at any selected locations and dates for the next semester (the number of athletes in the classroom may not exceed the maximum number of athletes on the sports facility) taking not more than one teaching unit per day.