Date added: 2021-06-01
Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 will fight for the highest goals

Mateusz Bierwagen became the captain of the team. Together with him, the team will be played by Kacper Młynarski, Mateusz Kostrzewski and Kamil Gruszecki who appear in the Energa Basket League, and players from the Suzuki 1 Men's League - Arkadiusz Kobus, Wojciech Pisarczyk, Michał Wojtyński, Mikołaj Stopierzyński, Wojciech Fraś and the MVP of the regular season 1 LM, who was promoted to EBL not so long ago - Piotr Śmigielski.
The line-up will also include young blood, i.e. players-students of the University that are part of the Fahrenheit Association. At the same time, the Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk will be represented by Stefan Marchlewski, and the Medical University of Gdańsk - Kacper Szuszkiewicz.
However, the team of Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 is not closed. The situation changes dynamically from tournament to tournament, and more players will join our team.
The team could not exist without the coaching staff. The project is supervised by Piotr Renkiel and Kazimier Rozwadowski. On a daily basis, the coaches of the Polish Senior National Team and U23 associated with the Gdańsk University of Technology ensure the highest possible level of training in 3x3 in Poland.
The players of FarU 3x3 Gdańsk, because this is the name they will play in tournaments, will improve their form at the facilities of the GUT Academic Sports Center. Their proper preparation will be supervised by the physiologist of the Polish 3x3 team, Tomasz Gabryś.
From the beginning of June, the Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 teams have been taking part in the competition both in Poland and in Europe. Our goal is to win the title of Polish Champions and promotion to the World Tour tournament.
You can follow our activities on a regular basis HERE
Timetable - winter semester
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